
Infant Massages
1 Class – $75/Parent and Child
If you ever thought a massage for a baby wouldn’t service any benefits, think again. When people think of massage, they think of stress relief. Well, it’s more than just that. Massage can also improve certain bodily functions, such as motor functions, lymph node functions, digestive functions, blood flow, etc. We can’t think of one loving parent who wouldn’t want that for their child. Infant massage is fully realized and the results speak volumes. Here are some of the benefits of infant massage: … Read More

Couple Massage Class
1 Class – $250/Couple
Stresses from work, traffic, lack of time, series of unpleasant incidents… I’m getting stressed just from typing the words. Wouldn’t it be nice to take the edge off of your spouse and to have your spouse do the same? I bet the answer is yes. I have heard for years from clients that have come to see me for a massage, (primarily wives) that their spouse is just terrible when it comes to a request for a massage. I would like to transform that general negative outlook into … Read More